Adopted Board Policies
Board Policies are those policies adopted by the Board of Directors of the Club to govern the operation of the club. These policies are adopted by a simple majority of the Board of Directors and may be rescinded by a simple majority vote of the Board at any meeting where a quorum is present. Unless otherwise stated, these policies remain in effect until or unless rescinded.
1. Dues Waiver for Elected Officers
Adopted by the Board of Directors on September 4, 2023; Elected Officers as defined by ARTICLE VII Section 1 of the Constitution shall have their dues waived for the years that they are serving in their elected capacity, however they may elect to voluntarily pay those dues even though the requirement is waived. Dues that are paid but have been waived due to this policy shall still be deposited to the Operations and Administration account. This policy takes effect with and applying to the two-year term beginning on July 1, 2024; and does not alter the dues obligations for the two-year term beginning on July 1, 2022. The intent of the Board in adopting this policy is to broaden the accessibility of being an elected officer regardless of financial constraints.
2. Dues Waiver for Past District Governors
Adopted by the Board of Directors on September 4, 2023; Any Lion who has served a complete year as a District Governor, and who petitions the Board for membership into the Club, shall have their dues waived for such time as they remain a member in good standing of the club, however they may elect to voluntarily pay those dues even though the requirement is waived. Dues that are paid but have been waived due to this policy shall still be deposited to the Operations and Administration account. This policy takes effect with immediate effect. The intent of the Board in adopting this policy is to offer Past District Governors who may be financially constrained but wish to remain a Lion an opportunity to remain a Lion without requiring them to continue paying dues, however this policy remains open to all Past District Governors.
6. Automatic Ordering of Badges for New Members, Payment as Credit on Dues
Adopted by the Board of Directors on February 14, 2024; The Board authorizes the purchase of pvc badges at a value of $9.00 for each member of the club, from Sue Greene. The badges will be paid for as credit towards the dues of Sue Greene, and if applicable, the accompanying family unit. No additional renumeration will be paid for the badges purchased by the club from Sue Greene.
7. Adoption of "Intersectionality" Logo for the club
Adopted by the Board of Directors on July 1, 2024; As is tradition in many Lions Clubs, Districts, Multiple Districts, and International, in addition to the globally recognized emblem and logo, our club also resolves to utilize a logo representing our focus on intersectionality. The logo shall have our club's name and include the fact that we are the only LGBTQIA+ Club in the State of Texas.
8. Donations Requests Must Be Approved by the Club
Adopted by the Board of Directors on March 9, 2024; All outside donation requests regardless of size must go to the club for a vote. This vote may be conducted on WhatsApp or via email.
9. Automatic Authorization of Dues
Adopted by the Board of Directors on March 9, 2024; The Board authorizes the Treasurer to pay all mandatory dues assessed to District 2-S4 and Lions International without requiring additional votes.
10. Minimum Account Balances
Adopted by the Board of Directors on March 9, 2024; Effective July 1, 2024, all club bank account balances cannot fall below $500.
11. Automatic Donations
a. Adopted by the Board of Directors on March 9, 2024 and amended by the Board on July 1, 2024; While complying with Board Policy 10, the Board resolves that the club automatically donate or cause to be donated during each fiscal year, to Lions Clubs International Foundation, up to the level necessary for the club to qualify for the Lions International Club Excellence Award.
b. Adopted by the Board of Directors on July 1, 2024; While complying with Board Policy 10, the Board resolves that the club automatically donate or cause to be donated during each fiscal year, to Texas Lions Foundation, $2 per member based on the club roster on July 1 at opening day.
c. Adopted by the Board of Directors on July 1, 2024; The Club will donate 75% of all charitable contributions to Cane Island Katy, up to $2,000. This will be numbered as Board Policy 11.c. and will automatically expire once the $2,000 limit has been achieved. This is to cover a loan made to the club, and so will take priority over Board Policy 10.
12. Default Apparel Purchase Authorization
Adopted by the Board of Directors on March 9, 2024; The Board authorizes the President and Treasurer to engage sponsors to cover the costs of apparel, and to purchase apparel with the club funds based on the aforementioned sponsorship.
13. Flag Committee
Adopted by the Board of Directors on April 13, 2024; The Flag Committee shall be responsible for the service project of collecting damaged U.S. Flags for proper retirement and disposal. The Committee shall automatically expire at the end of the day June 30, 2025, unless reauthorized. The appointment and removal of Chair shall be at the discretion of the President.
14. SEAT Committee
Adopted by the Board of Directors on April 13, 2024; The SEAT Committee shall be responsible for the coordination and communication of the Students Engaged in Advancing Texas project within the Katy Lions Foundation. The Committee shall automatically expire if there are no members of the club who are representatives of SEAT. The SEAT Committee Chair shall have the honorary rank of Second Vice President, and will be acknowledged in any official precedence where they are in attendance in accordance to that honorary rank. The appointment and removal of Chair shall be at the discretion of the President.
15. Activism Committee
Adopted by the Board of Directors on April 13, 2024; The Activism Committee shall focus on wider nonpartisan community activism, particularly in the LGBTQ+ communities. This committee shall stand until or unless revoked. The appointment and removal of Chair shall be at the discretion of the President.
16. Leo Clubs Committee
Adopted by the Board of Directors on July 1, 2024; The Leo Clubs Committee oversees the Leo Advisors and sponsored Leo Clubs. This committee shall stand until or unless revoked. The appointment and removal of Chair shall be at the discretion of the President.
17. Representation Committee
Adopted by the Board of Directors on July 1, 2024; The Representation Committee ensures that our club represents the community we aim to serve. This committee shall stand until or unless revoked. The appointment and removal of Chair shall be at the discretion of the President.
18. Restructured Standing Committees
Adopted by the Board of Directors on [ pending ]; The following board policy constitutes a repeal of Board Policy 17. Representation Committee; and the reorganization of standing committees as outlined in the Bylaws, Article V. This reorganization shall stand until or unless revoked.
Humanitarian Committee (merger of GAT & Service Committees)
Chaired by the club president, develops and initiates a coordinated plan to expand humanitarian service, foster club projects, and develop future leaders. Coordinates and ensures the effective leadership of service projects relating to the global service framework, applies for relevant LCIF and local grants, and develops community partnerships.
Rules Committee (aka Constitution & Bylaws Committee)
Chaired by the vice president, interprets the club constitution and bylaws, and may be charged with facilitating changes in accordance with amendment procedures.
Stewardship Committee (merger of Finance & Leadership Committee)
Co-chaired by the secretary and treasurer, establishes an annual detailed budget for approval by the club's board of directors, ensures proper documentation and authorization of funds, arranges for a review and audit of club accounts, ensure the delivery of all financial information to successor, and identifies fundraising and training opportunities for the club.
Representation Committee (merger of parts of Membership & Marketing Committees)
Chaired by the representation chair, develops and initiates a coordinated plan to achieve net positive membership growth which intentionally includes diverse backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities. Works with the board of directors to verify all applicants satisfy the qualifications and eligibility as prescribed in the constitution and bylaws.
Fellowship Committee (merger of parts of Membership & Technology Committees)
Chaired by the fellowship chair, fosters and facilitates member satisfaction & communication, and alongside the President has oversight of the club website, social media, and other technology.
Replaced or Rescinded Board Policies
3. Renaming of Constitution & Bylaws Committee to Rules Committee
Adopted by the Board of Directors on February 14, 2024; To provide scope and clarity to the existing Constitution & Bylaws standing committee, as defined by the Constitution and Bylaws of the club, the Board resolves to refer to and address said committee by the new name: Rules Committee. Its function and purpose remain the same. Rendered defunct July 16, 2024 by amendments to the constitution and bylaws.
4. Renaming of Communications Marketing Committee to Marketing Committee
Adopted by the Board of Directors on February 14, 2024; To provide scope and clarity to the existing Communications Marketing standing committee, as defined by the Constitution and Bylaws of the club, the Board resolves to refer to and address said committee by the new name: Marketing Committee. Its function and purpose remain the same. Rendered defunct July 16, 2024 by amendments to the constitution and bylaws.
5. Renaming of Information Technology Committee to Technology Committee
Adopted by the Board of Directors on February 14, 2024; To provide scope and clarity to the existing Information Technology standing committee, as defined by the Constitution and Bylaws of the club, the Board resolves to refer to and address said committee by the new name: Technology Committee. Its function and purpose remain the same. Rendered defunct July 16, 2024 by amendments to the constitution and bylaws.
7. Adoption of "Service Area" Logo for the club
Adopted by the Board of Directors on February 14, 2024; As is tradition in many Lions Clubs, Districts, Multiple Districts, and International, in addition to the globally recognized emblem and logo, our club also resolves to utilize a logo representing Fort Bend County, the Greater Katy area including portions of Waller County, and the portions of Harris County that are West Houston. The logo will also have a diamond square pride flag bordered in white, upon which the colorized Lions International logo will appear. The "territory" of the logo may be any of the colors shown in the Lions International Style Guide, as well as White or Black. The corresponding phone number and website address will appear as either black or white. Replaced by Intersectionality Logo July 1, 2024.